Sorry I missed an update yesterday. I had intended to, but I've been lacking in the motivation factor when I get home in the evenings recently. So anyhow, I'm really back, I swear. I'm making fantastic progress on my research. Monday also marked my return to working out after a 2½ week dry spell due to Spring break and the horrible plague that had me at death's door last week. So you can imagine my hesitance when I climbed on that elliptical. I briefly debated taking it easier than usual or not going the full 55 minutes that I was doing prior to my break. I thought better of it, though and pushed myself just as hard as I was 3 weeks ago. I'll be honest, it wasn't as easy as it used to be. I had a stitch in my right side after 10 minutes that I normally wouldn't get throughout the whole workout. I kept having to fight back that voice in my head telling me lies like it's been weeks, you can back off a bit; just drop down to 6½ mph; oh look, you're at 30 minutes, that's enough; 5 miles is plenty....
I kept pushing myself, though, and made it through the 55 minute workout without slowing my 7mph average pace. I even fit a couple 9mph sprints in there. It's good to be back! Or... it was. Sadly, my desire to catch up on my research has introduced me to some particularly long hours in the lab. I've missed my last two workouts now. Fear not, though, because I won't miss tomorrow's. If I have to be there until 8pm, I'll get it done.
BTW, I made it to weigh-in dispite still being a bit sick. I didn't have my weigh-in clothes, so my weight was a bit artificially high. That said, I did register a loss: six-tenths of a pound. We'll see what happens this Saturday...
That's all I got. Graized out!
I’ve learned the art of bookbinding!
4 weeks ago
no matter if you blog as long as your LIVING, PUSHING YOURSELF and not blogging!!
Congrats on the loss...that's pretty impressive given how off-schedule your life has been recently. I'm so interested in your research! I'm currently hating my job so I always find it so endearing when someone has true passion for their work. Good luck with the reseach and your workouts!
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